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MouseLight / NeuronBrowser
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This is an interactive web platform to explore, search, filter and visualize single neuron reconstructions generated by the Janelia MouseLight project.
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This is an interactive web platform to explore, search, filter and visualize single neuron reconstructions generated by the Janelia MouseLight project.
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Reconstructions are presented registered to the Allen Reference Atlas. Queries for neuronal morphology can be made based on soma position or location of projection targets within the brain. Filtered results can be visualized in 3-D along with the Allen brain compartments. We will periodically add to this collection of reconstructed neurons in future releases. Query results can also be downloaded for offline analysis (see Terms of Use).

A quick overview of currently available features and how to use the NeuronBrowser can be found in a Tutorial Video here.

For additional information on how the data was generated please refer to the documentation in the Resources section. A description of the core MouseLight technology can also be found here.

Terms of Use

These terms of Use apply for any material found or downloaded from the MouseLight database and the NeuronBrowser. These data are available under the CC-BY NC license, When used in publication/s, please include the following:

  1. A reference to the MouseLight project at Janelia as the source of the data.
  2. A citation of the DOI of each data entity used.