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2 Janelia Publications

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    Zlatic Lab
    02/01/13 | Cbl-associated protein regulates assembly and function of two tension-sensing structures in Drosophila.
    Bharadwaj R, Roy M, Ohyama T, Sivan-Loukianova E, Delannoy M, Lloyd TE, Zlatic M, Eberl DF, Kolodkin AL
    Development. 2013 Feb 1;140:627-38. doi: 10.1242/dev.085100

    Cbl-associated protein (CAP) localizes to focal adhesions and associates with numerous cytoskeletal proteins; however, its physiological roles remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Drosophila CAP regulates the organization of two actin-rich structures in Drosophila: muscle attachment sites (MASs), which connect somatic muscles to the body wall; and scolopale cells, which form an integral component of the fly chordotonal organs and mediate mechanosensation. Drosophila CAP mutants exhibit aberrant junctional invaginations and perturbation of the cytoskeletal organization at the MAS. CAP depletion also results in collapse of scolopale cells within chordotonal organs, leading to deficits in larval vibration sensation and adult hearing. We investigate the roles of different CAP protein domains in its recruitment to, and function at, various muscle subcellular compartments. Depletion of the CAP-interacting protein Vinculin results in a marked reduction in CAP levels at MASs, and vinculin mutants partially phenocopy Drosophila CAP mutants. These results show that CAP regulates junctional membrane and cytoskeletal organization at the membrane-cytoskeletal interface of stretch-sensitive structures, and they implicate integrin signaling through a CAP/Vinculin protein complex in stretch-sensitive organ assembly and function.

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    Zlatic Lab
    08/20/13 | High-throughput analysis of stimulus-evoked behaviors in Drosophila larva reveals multiple modality-specific escape strategies.
    Ohyama T, Jovanic T, Denisov G, Dang TC, Hoffmann D, Kerr RA, Zlatic M
    PLoS One. 2013 Aug 20;8(8):e71706. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071706

    All organisms react to noxious and mechanical stimuli but we still lack a complete understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms by which somatosensory information is transformed into appropriate motor outputs. The small number of neurons and excellent genetic tools make Drosophila larva an especially tractable model system in which to address this problem. We developed high throughput assays with which we can simultaneously expose more than 1,000 larvae per man-hour to precisely timed noxious heat, vibration, air current, or optogenetic stimuli. Using this hardware in combination with custom software we characterized larval reactions to somatosensory stimuli in far greater detail than possible previously. Each stimulus evoked a distinctive escape strategy that consisted of multiple actions. The escape strategy was context-dependent. Using our system we confirmed that the nociceptive class IV multidendritic neurons were involved in the reactions to noxious heat. Chordotonal (ch) neurons were necessary for normal modulation of head casting, crawling and hunching, in response to mechanical stimuli. Consistent with this we observed increases in calcium transients in response to vibration in ch neurons. Optogenetic activation of ch neurons was sufficient to evoke head casting and crawling. These studies significantly increase our understanding of the functional roles of larval ch neurons. More generally, our system and the detailed description of wild type reactions to somatosensory stimuli provide a basis for systematic identification of neurons and genes underlying these behaviors.

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