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2 Janelia Publications

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    05/16/24 | Magnetic voluntary head-fixation in transgenic rats enables lifetime imaging of hippocampal neurons
    P. D. Rich , S. Y. Thiberge , B. B. Scott , C. Guo , D. G. Tervo , C. D. Brody , A. Y. Karpova , N. D. Daw , D. W. Tank
    Nat. Commun.. 2024 May 16:. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48505-9

    The precise neural mechanisms within the brain that contribute to the remarkable lifetime persistence of memory remain unknown. Existing techniques to record neurons in animals are either unsuitable for longitudinal recording from the same cells or make it difficult for animals to express their full naturalistic behavioral repertoire. We present a magnetic voluntary head-fixation system that provides stable optical access to the brain during complex behavior. Compared to previous systems that used mechanical restraint, there are no moving parts and animals can engage and disengage entirely at will. This system is failsafe, easy for animals to use and reliable enough to allow long-term experiments to be routinely performed. Together with a novel two-photon fluorescence collection scheme that increases two-photon signal and a transgenic rat line that stably expresses the calcium sensor GCaMP6f in dorsal CA1, we are able to track and record activity from the same hippocampal neurons, during behavior, over a large fraction of animals’ lives.

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    10/18/23 | Three-dimensional reconstructions of mechanosensory end organs suggest a unifying mechanism underlying dynamic, light touch
    Annie Handler , Qiyu Zhang , Song Pang , Tri M. Nguyen , Michael Iskols , Michael Nolan-Tamariz , Stuart Cattel , Rebecca Plumb , Brianna Sanchez , Karyl Ashjian , Aria Shotland , Bartianna Brown , Madiha Kabeer , Josef Turecek , Genelle Rankin , Wangchu Xiang , Elisa C. Pavarino , Nusrat Africawala , Celine Santiago , Wei-Chung Allen Lee , C. Shan Xu , David D. Ginty
    Neuron. 2023 Oct 18:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.023

    Specialized mechanosensory end organs within mammalian skin—hair follicle-associated lanceolate complexes, Meissner corpuscles, and Pacinian corpuscles—enable our perception of light, dynamic touch1. In each of these end organs, fast-conducting mechanically sensitive neurons, called Aβ low-threshold mechanoreceptors (Aβ LTMRs), associate with resident glial cells, known as terminal Schwann cells (TSCs) or lamellar cells, to form complex axon ending structures. Lanceolate-forming and corpuscle-innervating Aβ LTMRs share a low threshold for mechanical activation, a rapidly adapting (RA) response to force indentation, and high sensitivity to dynamic stimuli16. How mechanical stimuli lead to activation of the requisite mechanotransduction channel Piezo2715 and Aβ RA-LTMR excitation across the morphologically dissimilar mechanosensory end organ structures is not understood. Here, we report the precise subcellular distribution of Piezo2 and high-resolution, isotropic 3D reconstructions of all three end organs formed by Aβ RA-LTMRs determined by large volume enhanced Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) imaging. We found that within each end organ, Piezo2 is enriched along the sensory axon membrane and is minimally or not expressed in TSCs and lamellar cells. We also observed a large number of small cytoplasmic protrusions enriched along the Aβ RA-LTMR axon terminals associated with hair follicles, Meissner corpuscles, and Pacinian corpuscles. These axon protrusions reside within close proximity to axonal Piezo2, occasionally contain the channel, and often form adherens junctions with nearby non-neuronal cells. Our findings support a unified model for Aβ RA-LTMR activation in which axon protrusions anchor Aβ RA-LTMR axon terminals to specialized end organ cells, enabling mechanical stimuli to stretch the axon in hundreds to thousands of sites across an individual end organ and leading to activation of proximal Piezo2 channels and excitation of the neuron.

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