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3 Janelia Publications

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    09/07/20 | A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain.
    Scheffer LK, Xu CS, Januszewski M, Lu Z, Takemura S, Hayworth KJ, Huang GB, Shinomiya K, Maitlin-Shepard J, Berg S, Clements J, Hubbard PM, Katz WT, Umayam L, Zhao T, Ackerman D, Blakely T, Bogovic J, Dolafi T, Kainmueller D, Kawase T, Khairy KA, Leavitt L, Li PH, Lindsey L, Neubarth N, Olbris DJ, Otsuna H, Trautman ET, Ito M, Bates AS, Goldammer J, Wolff T, Svirskas R, Schlegel P, Neace E, Knecht CJ, Alvarado CX, Bailey DA, Ballinger S, Borycz JA, Canino BS, Cheatham N, Cook M, Dreher M, Duclos O, Eubanks B, Fairbanks K, Finley S, Forknall N, Francis A, Hopkins GP, Joyce EM, Kim S, Kirk NA, Kovalyak J, Lauchie SA, Lohff A, Maldonado C, Manley EA, McLin S, Mooney C, Ndama M, Ogundeyi O, Okeoma N, Ordish C, Padilla N, Patrick CM, Paterson T, Phillips EE, Phillips EM, Rampally N, Ribeiro C, Robertson MK, Rymer JT, Ryan SM, Sammons M, Scott AK, Scott AL, Shinomiya A, Smith C, Smith K, Smith NL, Sobeski MA, Suleiman A, Swift J, Takemura S, Talebi I, Tarnogorska D, Tenshaw E, Tokhi T, Walsh JJ, Yang T, Horne JA, Li F, Parekh R, Rivlin PK, Jayaraman V, Costa M, Jefferis GS, Ito K, Saalfeld S, George R, Meinertzhagen IA, Rubin GM, Hess HF, Jain V, Plaza SM
    Elife. 2020 Sep 07;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57443

    The neural circuits responsible for animal behavior remain largely unknown. We summarize new methods and present the circuitry of a large fraction of the brain of the fruit fly . Improved methods include new procedures to prepare, image, align, segment, find synapses in, and proofread such large data sets. We define cell types, refine computational compartments, and provide an exhaustive atlas of cell examples and types, many of them novel. We provide detailed circuits consisting of neurons and their chemical synapses for most of the central brain. We make the data public and simplify access, reducing the effort needed to answer circuit questions, and provide procedures linking the neurons defined by our analysis with genetic reagents. Biologically, we examine distributions of connection strengths, neural motifs on different scales, electrical consequences of compartmentalization, and evidence that maximizing packing density is an important criterion in the evolution of the fly's brain.

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    01/17/20 | Accelerated EM Connectome Reconstruction using 3D Visualization and Segmentation Graphs
    Philip M. Hubbard , Stuart Berg , Ting Zhao , Donald J. Olbris , Lowell Umayam , Jeremy Maitin-Shepard , Michal Januszewski , William T. Katz , Erika R. Neace , Stephen M. Plaza
    bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 17:. doi: 10.1101/2020.01.17.909572

    Recent advances in automatic image segmentation and synapse prediction in electron microscopy (EM) datasets of the brain enable more efficient reconstruction of neural connectivity. In these datasets, a single neuron can span thousands of images containing complex tree-like arbors with thousands of synapses. While image segmentation algorithms excel within narrow fields of views, the algorithms sometimes struggle to correctly segment large neurons, which require large context given their size and complexity. Conversely, humans are comparatively good at reasoning with large objects. In this paper, we introduce several semi-automated strategies that combine 3D visualization and machine guidance to accelerate connectome reconstruction. In particular, we introduce a strategy to quickly correct a segmentation through merging and cleaving, or splitting a segment along supervoxel boundaries, with both operations driven by affinity scores in the underlying segmentation. We deploy these algorithms as streamlined workflows in a tool called Neu3 and demonstrate superior performance compared to prior work, thus enabling efficient reconstruction of much larger datasets. The insights into proofreading from our work clarify the trade-offs to consider when tuning the parameters of image segmentation algorithms.

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    12/22/20 | Latent Feature Representation via Unsupervised Learning for Pattern Discovery in Massive Electron Microscopy Image Volumes
    Gary B Huang , Huei-Fang Yang , Shin-ya Takemura , Pat Rivlin , Stephen M Plaza
    arXiv. 2020 Dec 22:. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2012.12175

    We propose a method to facilitate exploration and analysis of new large data sets. In particular, we give an unsupervised deep learning approach to learning a latent representation that captures semantic similarity in the data set. The core idea is to use data augmentations that preserve semantic meaning to generate synthetic examples of elements whose feature representations should be close to one another.
    We demonstrate the utility of our method applied to nano-scale electron microscopy data, where even relatively small portions of animal brains can require terabytes of image data. Although supervised methods can be used to predict and identify known patterns of interest, the scale of the data makes it difficult to mine and analyze patterns that are not known a priori. We show the ability of our learned representation to enable query by example, so that if a scientist notices an interesting pattern in the data, they can be presented with other locations with matching patterns. We also demonstrate that clustering of data in the learned space correlates with biologically-meaningful distinctions. Finally, we introduce a visualization tool and software ecosystem to facilitate user-friendly interactive analysis and uncover interesting biological patterns. In short, our work opens possible new avenues in understanding of and discovery in large data sets, arising in domains such as EM analysis.

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