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34 Publications

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    01/10/14 | A fully genetically encoded protein architecture for optical control of peptide ligand concentration.
    Daniel Schmidt , Paul Tillberg , Fei Chen , Edward Boyden

    Ion channels are among the most important proteins in biology, regulating the activity of excitable cells and changing in diseases. Ideally it would be possible to actuate endogenous ion channels, in a temporally precise and reversible manner, and without requiring chemical cofactors. Here we present a modular protein architecture for fully genetically encoded, light-modulated control of ligands that modulate ion channels of a targeted cell. Our reagent, which we call a lumitoxin, combines a photoswitch and an ion channel-blocking peptide toxin. Illumination causes the photoswitch to unfold, lowering the toxin’s local concentration near the cell surface, and enabling the ion channel to function. We explore lumitoxin modularity by showing operation with peptide toxins that target different voltage-dependent K+ channels. The lumitoxin architecture may represent a new kind of modular protein-engineering strategy for designing light-activated proteins, and thus may enable development of novel tools for modulating cellular physiology.

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    01/22/14 | Adaptation to background light enables contrast coding at rod bipolar cell synapses.
    Ke J, Wang YV, Borghuis BG, Cembrowski MS, Riecke H, Kath WL, Demb JB, Singer JH
    Neuron. 2014 Jan 22;81(2):388-401. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.10.054

    Rod photoreceptors contribute to vision over an ∼ 6-log-unit range of light intensities. The wide dynamic range of rod vision is thought to depend upon light intensity-dependent switching between two parallel pathways linking rods to ganglion cells: a rod → rod bipolar (RB) cell pathway that operates at dim backgrounds and a rod → cone → cone bipolar cell pathway that operates at brighter backgrounds. We evaluated this conventional model of rod vision by recording rod-mediated light responses from ganglion and AII amacrine cells and by recording RB-mediated synaptic currents from AII amacrine cells in mouse retina. Contrary to the conventional model, we found that the RB pathway functioned at backgrounds sufficient to activate the rod → cone pathway. As background light intensity increased, the RB's role changed from encoding the absorption of single photons to encoding contrast modulations around mean luminance. This transition is explained by the intrinsic dynamics of transmission from RB synapses.

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    Eddy/Rivas Lab
    01/01/14 | Annotating functional RNAs in genomes using infernal.
    Nawrocki EP
    Methods in Molecular Biology. 2014;1097:163-97. doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-709-9_9

    Many different types of functional non-coding RNAs participate in a wide range of important cellular functions but the large majority of these RNAs are not routinely annotated in published genomes. Several programs have been developed for identifying RNAs, including specific tools tailored to a particular RNA family as well as more general ones designed to work for any family. Many of these tools utilize covariance models (CMs), statistical models of the conserved sequence, and structure of an RNA family. In this chapter, as an illustrative example, the Infernal software package and CMs from the Rfam database are used to identify RNAs in the genome of the archaeon Methanobrevibacter ruminantium, uncovering some additional RNAs not present in the genome’s initial annotation. Analysis of the results and comparison with family-specific methods demonstrate some important strengths and weaknesses of this general approach.

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    Singer Lab
    01/09/14 | Background free imaging of single mRNAs in live cells using split fluorescent proteins.
    Wu B, Chen J, Singer RH
    Scientific Reports. 2014 Jan 9;4:3615. doi: 10.1038/srep03615

    We describe a technique for imaging single mRNAs in living cells based on fluorescent protein (FP) complementation. We employ the high affinity interaction between the bacterial phage MS2/PP7 coat proteins and their respective RNA binding motifs as an RNA scaffold to bring two halves of a split-FP together to image single reporter mRNAs without background fluorescence.

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    01/22/14 | Cell-type-specific labeling of synapses in vivo through synaptic tagging with recombination.
    Chen Y, Akin O, Nern A, Tsui CY, Pecot MY, Zipursky SL
    Neuron. 2014 Jan 22;81(2):280-93. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.12.021

    The study of synaptic specificity and plasticity in the CNS is limited by the inability to efficiently visualize synapses in identified neurons using light microscopy. Here, we describe synaptic tagging with recombination (STaR), a method for labeling endogenous presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins in a cell-type-specific fashion. We modified genomic loci encoding synaptic proteins within bacterial artificial chromosomes such that these proteins, expressed at endogenous levels and with normal spatiotemporal patterns, were labeled in an inducible fashion in specific neurons through targeted expression of site-specific recombinases. Within the Drosophila visual system, the number and distribution of synapses correlate with electron microscopy studies. Using two different recombination systems, presynaptic and postsynaptic specializations of synaptic pairs can be colabeled. STaR also allows synapses within the CNS to be studied in live animals noninvasively. In principle, STaR can be adapted to the mammalian nervous system.

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    01/15/14 | Comparing thoracic and intra-nasal pressure transients to monitor active odor sampling during odor-guided decision making in the mouse.
    Reisert J, Golden GJ, Matsumura K, Smear M, Rinberg D, Gelperin A
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2014 Jan 15;221:8-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2013.09.006

    BACKGROUND: Recording of physiological parameters in behaving mice has seen an immense increase over recent years driven by, for example, increased miniaturization of recording devices. One parameter particularly important for odorant-driven behaviors is the breathing frequency, since the latter dictates the rate of odorant delivery to the nasal cavity and the olfactory receptor neurons located therein. NEW METHOD: Typically, breathing patterns are monitored by either measuring the breathing-induced temperature or pressure changes in the nasal cavity. Both require the implantation of a nasal cannula and tethering of the mouse to either a cable or tubing. To avoid these limitations we used an implanted pressure sensor which reads the thoracic pressure and transmits the data telemetrically, thus making it suitable for experiments which require a freely moving animal. RESULTS: Mice performed a Go/NoGo odorant-driven behavioral task with the implanted pressure sensor, which proved to work reliably to allow recording of breathing signals over several weeks from a given animal. COMPARISON TO EXISTING METHOD(S): We simultaneously recorded the thoracic and nasal pressure changes and found that measuring the thoracic pressure change yielded similar results compared to measurements of nasal pressure changes. CONCLUSION: Telemetrically recorded breathing signals are a feasible method to monitor odorant-guided behavioral changes in breathing rates. Its advantages are most significant when recording from a freely moving animal over several weeks. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods to record breathing patterns are discussed.

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    Eddy/Rivas Lab
    01/01/14 | Computational analysis of conserved RNA secondary structure in transcriptomes and genomes.
    Eddy SR
    Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure. 2014;43:433-56. doi: 10.1146/annurev-biophys-051013-022950

    Transcriptomics experiments and computational predictions both enable systematic discovery of new functional RNAs. However, many putative noncoding transcripts arise instead from artifacts and biological noise, and current computational prediction methods have high false positive rates. I discuss prospects for improving computational methods for analyzing and identifying functional RNAs, with a focus on detecting signatures of conserved RNA secondary structure. An interesting new front is the application of chemical and enzymatic experiments that probe RNA structure on a transcriptome-wide scale. I review several proposed approaches for incorporating structure probing data into the computational prediction of RNA secondary structure. Using probabilistic inference formalisms, I show how all these approaches can be unified in a well-principled framework, which in turn allows RNA probing data to be easily integrated into a wide range of analyses that depend on RNA secondary structure inference. Such analyses include homology search and genome-wide detection of new structural RNAs.

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    01/26/14 | Correlative super-resolution fluorescence and metal-replica transmission electron microscopy.
    Sochacki KA, Shtengel G, Van Engelenburg SB, Hess HF, Taraska JW
    Nature Methods. 2014 Jan 26;11(3):305-8. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2816

    We combine super-resolution localization fluorescence microscopy with transmission electron microscopy of metal replicas to locate proteins on the landscape of the cellular plasma membrane at the nanoscale. We validate robust correlation on the scale of 20 nm by imaging endogenous clathrin (in two and three dimensions) and apply the method to find the previously unknown three-dimensional position of the endocytic protein epsin on clathrin-coated structures at the plasma membrane.

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    Ji Lab
    01/27/14 | Direct phase measurement in zonal wavefront reconstruction using multidither coherent optical adaptive technique.
    Liu R, Milkie DE, Kerlin A, Maclennan B, Ji N
    Optics Express. 2014 Jan 27;22(2):1619-28. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.001619

    In traditional zonal wavefront sensing for adaptive optics, after local wavefront gradients are obtained, the entire wavefront can be calculated by assuming that the wavefront is a continuous surface. Such an approach will lead to sub-optimal performance in reconstructing wavefronts which are either discontinuous or undersampled by the zonal wavefront sensor. Here, we report a new method to reconstruct the wavefront by directly measuring local wavefront phases in parallel using multidither coherent optical adaptive technique. This method determines the relative phases of each pupil segment independently, and thus produces an accurate wavefront for even discontinuous wavefronts. We implemented this method in an adaptive optical two-photon fluorescence microscopy and demonstrated its superior performance in correcting large or discontinuous aberrations.

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    01/16/14 | Distribution of ESCRT machinery at HIV assembly sites reveals virus scaffolding of ESCRT subunits.
    Van Engelenburg SB, Shtengel G, Sengupta P, Waki K, Jarnik M, Ablan SD, Freed EO, Hess HF, Lippincott-Schwartz J
    Science. 2014 Jan 16;343(6171):653-6. doi: 10.1126/science.1247786

    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) hijacks the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) to mediate virus release from infected cells. The nanoscale organization of ESCRT machinery necessary for mediating viral abscission is unclear. Here, we applied three-dimensional superresolution microscopy and correlative electron microscopy to delineate the organization of ESCRT components at HIV assembly sites. We observed ESCRT subunits localized within the head of budding virions and released particles, with head-localized levels of CHMP2A decreasing relative to Tsg101 and CHMP4B upon virus abscission. Thus, the driving force for HIV release may derive from initial scaffolding of ESCRT subunits within the viral bud interior followed by plasma membrane association and selective remodeling of ESCRT subunits.

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