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15 Publications

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    03/31/23 | Ascending neurons convey behavioral state to integrative sensory and action selection centers in the brain
    Chin-Lin Chen , Florian Aymanns , Ryo Minegishi , Victor D. V. Matsuda , Nicolas Talabot , Semih Günel , Barry J. Dickson , Pavan Ramdya
    Nature Neuroscience. 2023 Mar 31:. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01281-z

    Knowledge of one’s own behavioral state—whether one is walking, grooming, or resting—is critical for contextualizing sensory cues including interpreting visual motion and tracking odor sources. Additionally, awareness of one’s own posture is important to avoid initiating destabilizing or physically impossible actions. Ascending neurons (ANs), interneurons in the vertebrate spinal cord or insect ventral nerve cord (VNC) that project to the brain, may provide such high-fidelity behavioral state signals. However, little is known about what ANs encode and where they convey signals in any brain. To address this gap, we performed a large-scale functional screen of AN movement encoding, brain targeting, and motor system patterning in the adult fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Using a new library of AN sparse driver lines, we measured the functional properties of 247 genetically-identifiable ANs by performing two-photon microscopy recordings of neural activity in tethered, behaving flies. Quantitative, deep network-based neural and behavioral analyses revealed that ANs nearly exclusively encode high-level behaviors—primarily walking as well as resting and grooming—rather than low-level joint or limb movements. ANs that convey self-motion—resting, walking, and responses to gust-like puff stimuli—project to the brain’s anterior ventrolateral protocerebrum (AVLP), a multimodal, integrative sensory hub, while those that encode discrete actions—eye grooming, turning, and proboscis extension—project to the brain’s gnathal ganglion (GNG), a locus for action selection. The structure and polarity of AN projections within the VNC are predictive of their functional encoding and imply that ANs participate in motor computations while also relaying state signals to the brain. Illustrative of this are ANs that temporally integrate proboscis extensions over tens-of-seconds, likely through recurrent interconnectivity. Thus, in line with long-held theoretical predictions, ascending populations convey high-level behavioral state signals almost exclusively to brain regions implicated in sensory feature contextualization and action selection.

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    03/02/23 | Brain-wide neural activity underlying memory-guided movement
    Susu Chen , Yi Liu , Ziyue Wang , Jennifer Colonell , Liu D. Liu , Han Hou , Nai-Wen Tien , Tim Wang , Timothy Harris , Shaul Druckmann , Nuo Li , Karel Svoboda
    bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 02:. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.01.530520

    Behavior requires neural activity across the brain, but most experiments probe neurons in a single area at a time. Here we used multiple Neuropixels probes to record neural activity simultaneously in brain-wide circuits, in mice performing a memory-guided directional licking task. We targeted brain areas that form multi-regional loops with anterior lateral motor cortex (ALM), a key circuit node mediating the behavior. Neurons encoding sensory stimuli, choice, and actions were distributed across the brain. However, in addition to ALM, coding of choice was concentrated in subcortical areas receiving input from ALM, in an ALM-dependent manner. Choice signals were first detected in ALM and the midbrain, followed by the thalamus, and other brain areas. At the time of movement initiation, choice-selective activity collapsed across the brain, followed by new activity patterns driving specific actions. Our experiments provide the foundation for neural circuit models of decision-making and movement initiation.

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    03/31/23 | Characterization, Comparison, and Optimization of Lattice Light Sheets
    Gaoxiang Liu , Xiongtao Ruan , Daniel E. Milkie , Frederik Görlitz , Matthew Mueller , Wilmene Hercule , Alison Kililea , Eric Betzig , Srigokul Upadhyayula
    Science Advances. 2023 Mar 31:. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.ade6623

    Lattice light sheet microscopy excels at the non-invasive imaging of three-dimensional (3D) dynamic processes at high spatiotemporal resolution within cells and developing embryos. Recently, several papers have called into question the performance of lattice light sheets relative to the Gaussian sheets most common in light sheet microscopy. Here we undertake a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of various forms of light sheet microscopy which both demonstrates and explains why lattice light sheets provide significant improvements in resolution and photobleaching reduction. The analysis provides a procedure to select the correct light sheet for a desired experiment and specifies the processing that maximizes the use of all fluorescence generated within the light sheet excitation envelope for optimal resolution while minimizing image artifacts and photodamage. Development of a new type of “harmonic balanced” lattice light sheet is shown to improve performance at all spatial frequencies within its 3D resolution limits and maintains this performance over lengthened propagation distances allowing for expanded fields of view.

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    03/13/23 | Connectome-constrained deep mechanistic networks predict neural responses across the fly visual system at single-neuron resolution
    Janne K. Lappalainen , Fabian D. Tschopp , Sridhama Prakhya , Mason McGill , Aljoscha Nern , Kazunori Shinomiya , Shin-ya Takemura , Eyal Gruntman , Jakob H. Macke , Srinivas C. Turaga
    bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 13:. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.11.532232

    We can now measure the connectivity of every neuron in a neural circuit, but we are still blind to other biological details, including the dynamical characteristics of each neuron. The degree to which connectivity measurements alone can inform understanding of neural computation is an open question. Here we show that with only measurements of the connectivity of a biological neural network, we can predict the neural activity underlying neural computation. We constructed a model neural network with the experimentally determined connectivity for 64 cell types in the motion pathways of the fruit fly optic lobe but with unknown parameters for the single neuron and single synapse properties. We then optimized the values of these unknown parameters using techniques from deep learning, to allow the model network to detect visual motion. Our mechanistic model makes detailed experimentally testable predictions for each neuron in the connectome. We found that model predictions agreed with experimental measurements of neural activity across 24 studies. Our work demonstrates a strategy for generating detailed hypotheses about the mechanisms of neural circuit function from connectivity measurements. We show that this strategy is more likely to be successful when neurons are sparsely connected—a universally observed feature of biological neural networks across species and brain regions.

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    03/15/23 | Cristae formation is a mechanical buckling event controlled by the inner membrane lipidome
    Kailash Venkatraman , Christopher T Lee , Guadalupe C. Garcia , Arijit Mahapatra , Guy Perkins , Keun-Young Kim , Hilda Amalia Pasolli , Sebastien Phan , Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz , Mark Ellisman , Padmini Rangamani , Itay Budin
    bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 15:. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.13.532310

    The inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) is the site of bulk ATP generation in cells and has a broadly conserved lipid composition enriched in unsaturated phospholipids and cardiolipin (CL). While proteins that shape the IMM and its characteristic cristae membranes (CM) have been defined, specific mechanisms by which mitochondrial lipids dictate its structure and function have yet to be elucidated. Here we combine experimental lipidome dissection with multi-scale modeling to investigate how lipid interactions shape CM morphology and ATP generation. When modulating fatty acid unsaturation in engineered yeast strains, we observed that loss of di-unsaturated phospholipids (PLs) led to a breakpoint in IMM topology and respiratory capacity. We found that PL unsaturation modulates the organization of ATP synthases that shape cristae ridges. Based on molecular modeling of mitochondrial-specific membrane adaptations, we hypothesized that conical lipids like CL buffer against the effects of saturation on the IMM. In cells, we discovered that loss of CL collapses the IMM at intermediate levels of PL saturation, an effect that is independent of ATP synthase oligomerization. To explain this interaction, we employed a continuum modeling approach, finding that lipid and protein-mediated curvatures are predicted to act in concert to form curved membranes in the IMM. The model highlighted a snapthrough instability in cristae tubule formation, which could drive IMM collapse upon small changes in composition. The interaction between CL and di-unsaturated PLs suggests that growth conditions that alter the fatty acid pool, such as oxygen availability, could define CL function. While loss of CL only has a minimal phenotype under standard laboratory conditions, we show that its synthesis is essential under microaerobic conditions that better mimic natural yeast fermentation. Lipid and protein-mediated mechanisms of curvature generation can thus act together to support mitochondrial architecture under changing environments.

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    03/10/23 | Drosophila antennae are dispensable for gravity orientation
    Nikolay Kladt , Michael B. Reiser
    bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 10:. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.08.531317

    The nearly constant downward force of gravity has powerfully shaped the behaviors of many organisms [1]. Walking flies readily orient against gravity in a behavior termed negative gravitaxis. In Drosophila this behavior is studied by observing the position of flies in vials [24] or simple mazes [59]. These assays have been used to conduct forward-genetic screens [568] and as simple tests of locomotion deficits [1012]. Despite this long history of investigation, the sensory basis of gravitaxis is largely unknown [1]. Recent studies have implicated the antennae as a major mechanosensory input [34], but many details remain unclear. Fly orientation behavior is expected to depend on the direction and amplitude of the gravitational pull, but little is known about the sensitivity of flies to these features of the environment. Here we directly measure the gravity-dependent orientation behavior of flies walking on an adjustable tilted platform, that is inspired by previous insect studies [1316]. In this arena, flies can freely orient with respect to gravity. Our findings indicate that flies are exquisitely sensitive to the direction of gravity’s pull. Surprisingly, this orientation behavior does not require antennal mechanosensory input, suggesting that other sensory structures must be involved.

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    03/15/23 | Fast and sensitive GCaMP calcium indicators for imaging neural populations.
    Zhang Y, Rozsa M, Liang Y, Bushey D, Wei Z, Zheng J, Reep D, Broussard GJ, Tsang A, Tsegaye G, Narayan S, Obara CJ, Lim J, Patel R, Zhang R, Ahrens MB, Turner GC, Wang SS, Korff WL, Schreiter ER, Svoboda K, Hasseman JP, Kolb I, Looger LL
    Nature. 2023 Mar 15:. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05828-9

    Calcium imaging with protein-based indicators is widely used to follow neural activity in intact nervous systems, but current protein sensors report neural activity at timescales much slower than electrical signalling and are limited by trade-offs between sensitivity and kinetics. Here we used large-scale screening and structure-guided mutagenesis to develop and optimize several fast and sensitive GCaMP-type indicators. The resulting 'jGCaMP8' sensors, based on the calcium-binding protein calmodulin and a fragment of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, have ultra-fast kinetics (half-rise times of 2 ms) and the highest sensitivity for neural activity reported for a protein-based calcium sensor. jGCaMP8 sensors will allow tracking of large populations of neurons on timescales relevant to neural computation.

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    03/29/23 | Fundamental law underlying predictive remapping
    Adeyefa-Olasupo I
    Physical Review Research. 2023 Mar 29;5(1):. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.013214

    Predictive remapping (PRE )—the ability of cells in retinotopic brain structures to transiently exhibit spatiotemporal shifts beyond the spatial extent of their classical anatomical receptive fields—has been proposed as a primary mechanism that stabilizes an organism’s percept of the visual world around the time of a saccadic eye movement. Despite the well-documented effects of PRE , a biologically plausible mathematical framework that specifies a fundamental law and the functional neural architecture that actively mediates this ubiquitous phenomenon does not exist. We introduce the Newtonian model of PRE , where each modular component of PRE manifests as three temporally overlapping forces: centripetal ( fC ), convergent ( fP ), and translational ( fT ), that perturb retinotopic cells from their equilibrium extent. The resultant and transient influences of these forces fC + fP + fT gives rise to a neuronal force field that governs the spatiotemporal dynamics of PRE . This neuronal force field fundamentally obeys an inverse-distance law PRE ∝ 1 r1.6 , akin to Newton’s law of universal gravitation [I. Newton, Newton’s Principia: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Geo. P. Putnam, New-York, 1850)] and activates retinotopic elastic fields elϕ’s. We posit that elϕ’s are transient functional neural structures that are self-generated by visual systems during active vision and approximate the sloppiness (or degrees of spatial freedom) within which receptive fields are allowed to shift, while ensuring that retinotopic organization does not collapse. The predictions of this general model are borne out by the spatiotemporal changes in visual sensitivity to probe stimuli in human subjects around the time of an eye movement and qualitatively match neural sensitivity signatures associated with predictive shifts in the receptive fields of cells in premotor and higher-order retinotopic brain structures. The introduction of this general model opens the search for possible biophysical implementations and provides experimentalists with a simple, elegant, yet powerful mathematical framework they can now use to generate experimentally testable predictions across a range of biological systems.

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    03/01/23 | In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals the asymmetric architecture of mammalian sperm axonemes.
    Chen Z, Greenan GA, Shiozaki M, Liu Y, Skinner WM, Zhao X, Zhao S, Yan R, Yu Z, Lishko PV, Agard DA, Vale RD
    Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2023 Mar 01;30(3):360-9. doi: 10.1038/s41594-022-00861-0

    The flagella of mammalian sperm display non-planar, asymmetric beating, in contrast to the planar, symmetric beating of flagella from sea urchin sperm and unicellular organisms. The molecular basis of this difference is unclear. Here, we perform in situ cryo-electron tomography of mouse and human sperm, providing the highest-resolution structural information to date. Our subtomogram averages reveal mammalian sperm-specific protein complexes within the microtubules, the radial spokes and nexin-dynein regulatory complexes. The locations and structures of these complexes suggest potential roles in enhancing the mechanical strength of mammalian sperm axonemes and regulating dynein-based axonemal bending. Intriguingly, we find that each of the nine outer microtubule doublets is decorated with a distinct combination of sperm-specific complexes. We propose that this asymmetric distribution of proteins differentially regulates the sliding of each microtubule doublet and may underlie the asymmetric beating of mammalian sperm.

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    03/28/23 | Origin of wiring specificity in an olfactory map revealed by neuron type-specific, time-lapse imaging of dendrite targeting.
    Wong KK, Li T, Fu T, Liu G, Lyu C, Kohani S, Xie Q, Luginbuhl DJ, Upadhyayula S, Betzig E, Luo L
    eLife. 2023 Mar 28;12:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.85521

    How does wiring specificity of neural maps emerge during development? Formation of the adult olfactory glomerular map begins with patterning of projection neuron (PN) dendrites at the early pupal stage. To better understand the origin of wiring specificity of this map, we created genetic tools to systematically characterize dendrite patterning across development at PN type-specific resolution. We find that PNs use lineage and birth order combinatorially to build the initial dendritic map. Specifically, birth order directs dendrite targeting in rotating and binary manners for PNs of the anterodorsal and lateral lineages, respectively. Two-photon- and adaptive optical lattice light-sheet microscope-based time-lapse imaging reveals that PN dendrites initiate active targeting with direction-dependent branch stabilization on the timescale of seconds. Moreover, PNs that are used in both the larval and adult olfactory circuits prune their larval-specific dendrites and re-extend new dendrites simultaneously to facilitate timely olfactory map organization. Our work highlights the power and necessity of type-specific neuronal access and time-lapse imaging in identifying wiring mechanisms that underlie complex patterns of functional neural maps.

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