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217 Publications

Showing 41-50 of 217 results
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    07/06/17 | Building bridges between cellular and molecular structural biology.
    Patwardhan A, Brandt R, Butcher SJ, Collinson L, Gault D, Grünewald K, Hecksel C, Huiskonen JT, Iudin A, Jones ML, Korir PK, Koster AJ, Lagerstedt I, Lawson CL, Mastronarde D, McCormick M, Parkinson H, Rosenthal PB, Saalfeld S, Saibil HR, Sarntivijai S, Solanes Valero I, Subramaniam S, Swedlow JR, Tudose I, Winn M, Kleywegt GJ
    eLife. 2017 Jul 06;6:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.25835

    The integration of cellular and molecular structural data is key to understanding the function of macromolecular assemblies and complexes in their in vivo context. Here we report on the outcomes of a workshop that discussed how to integrate structural data from a range of public archives. The workshop identified two main priorities: the development of tools and file formats to support segmentation (that is, the decomposition of a three-dimensional volume into regions that can be associated with defined objects), and the development of tools to support the annotation of biological structures.

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    01/24/17 | Calcium-independent disruption of microtubule dynamics by nanosecond pulsed electric fields in U87 human glioblastoma cells
    Lynn Carr , Sylvia M. Bardet , Ryan C. Burke , Delia Arnaud-Cormos , Philippe Leveque , Rodney P. O’Connor

    High powered, nanosecond duration, pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) cause cell death by a mechanism that is not fully understood and have been proposed as a targeted cancer therapy. Numerous chemotherapeutics work by disrupting microtubules. As microtubules are affected by electrical fields, this study looks at the possibility of disrupting them electrically with nsPEF. Human glioblastoma cells (U87-MG) treated with 100, 10 ns, 44 kV/cm pulses at a frequency of 10 Hz showed a breakdown of their interphase microtubule network that was accompanied by a reduction in the number of growing microtubules. This effect is temporally linked to loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and independent of cellular swelling and calcium influx, two factors that disrupt microtubule growth dynamics. Super-resolution microscopy revealed microtubule buckling and breaking as a result of nsPEF application, suggesting that nsPEF may act directly on microtubules.

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    Kainmueller Lab
    12/01/17 | Cell dynamics underlying oriented growth of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
    Dye NA, Popović M, Spannl S, Etournay R, Kainmüller D, Ghosh S, Myers EW, Jülicher F, Eaton S
    Development (Cambridge, England). 2017 Dec 01;144(23):4406-4421. doi: 10.1242/dev.155069

    Quantitative analysis of the dynamic cellular mechanisms shaping the Drosophila wing during its larval growth phase has been limited, impeding our ability to understand how morphogen patterns regulate tissue shape. Such analysis requires explants to be imaged under conditions that maintain both growth and patterning, as well as methods to quantify how much cellular behaviors change tissue shape. Here, we demonstrate a key requirement for the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in the maintenance of numerous patterning systems in vivo and in explant culture. We find that low concentrations of 20E support prolonged proliferation in explanted wing discs in the absence of insulin, incidentally providing novel insight into the hormonal regulation of imaginal growth. We use 20E-containing media to observe growth directly and to apply recently developed methods for quantitatively decomposing tissue shape changes into cellular contributions. We discover that whereas cell divisions drive tissue expansion along one axis, their contribution to expansion along the orthogonal axis is cancelled by cell rearrangements and cell shape changes. This finding raises the possibility that anisotropic mechanical constraints contribute to growth orientation in the wing disc.

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    09/25/17 | Cell volume change through water efflux impacts cell stiffness and stem cell fate.
    Guo M, Pegoraro AF, Mao A, Zhou EH, Arany PR, Han Y, Burnette DT, Jensen MH, Kasza KE, Moore JR, Mackintosh FC, Fredberg JJ, Mooney DJ, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Weitz DA
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Sep 25;114(41):E8618-27. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705179114

    Cells alter their mechanical properties in response to their local microenvironment; this plays a role in determining cell function and can even influence stem cell fate. Here, we identify a robust and unified relationship between cell stiffness and cell volume. As a cell spreads on a substrate, its volume decreases, while its stiffness concomitantly increases. We find that both cortical and cytoplasmic cell stiffness scale with volume for numerous perturbations, including varying substrate stiffness, cell spread area, and external osmotic pressure. The reduction of cell volume is a result of water efflux, which leads to a corresponding increase in intracellular molecular crowding. Furthermore, we find that changes in cell volume, and hence stiffness, alter stem-cell differentiation, regardless of the method by which these are induced. These observations reveal a surprising, previously unidentified relationship between cell stiffness and cell volume that strongly influences cell biology.

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    04/14/17 | Centrioles initiate cilia assembly but are dispensable for maturation and maintenance in C. elegans
    Serwas D, Su TY, Roessler M, Wang S, Dammermann A
    Journal of Cell Biology. 04/2017;216:1659-1671. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201610070

    Cilia are cellular projections that assemble on centriole-derived basal bodies. While cilia assembly is absolutely dependent on centrioles, it is not known to what extent they contribute to downstream events. The nematode C. elegans provides a unique opportunity to address this question, as centrioles do not persist at the base of mature cilia. Using fluorescence microscopy and electron tomography, we find that centrioles degenerate early during ciliogenesis. The transition zone and axoneme are not completely formed at this time, indicating that cilia maturation does not depend on intact centrioles. The hydrolethalus syndrome protein HYLS-1 is the only centriolar protein known to remain at the base of mature cilia and is required for intraflagellar transport trafficking. Surprisingly, targeted degradation of HYLS-1 after initiation of ciliogenesis does not affect ciliary structures. Taken together, our results indicate that while centrioles are essential to initiate cilia formation, they are dispensable for cilia maturation and maintenance.

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    07/13/17 | Chemistry is dead. Long live chemistry!
    Lavis LD
    Biochemistry. 2017 Jul 13;56(39):5165-70. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00529

    Chemistry, once king of fluorescence microscopy, was usurped by the field of fluorescent proteins. The increased demands of modern microscopy techniques on the “photon budget” requires better and brighter fluorophores. Here, we review the recent advances in biochemistry, protein engineering, and organic synthesis that have allowed a triumphant return of chemical dyes to modern biological imaging.

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    Sternson Lab
    12/12/17 | Chemogenetic tools for causal cellular and neuronal biology.
    Atasoy D, Sternson SM
    Physiological Reviews. 2017 Dec 12:. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00009.2017

    Chemogenetic technologies enable selective pharmacological control of specific cell populations. An increasing number of approaches have been developed that modulate different signaling pathways. Selective pharmacological control over G protein-coupled receptor signaling, ion channel conductances, protein association, protein stability, and small molecule targeting allows modulation of cellular processes in distinct cell types. Here, we review these chemogenetic technologies and instances of their applications in complex tissues in vivo and ex vivo.

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    02/08/17 | Cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling controls form and function in the mammalian larynx.
    Tabler JM, Rigney MM, Berman GJ, Gopalakrishnan S, Heude E, Al-Lami HA, Yannakoudakis BZ, Fitch RD, Carter CM, Vokes SA, Liu KJ, Tajbakhsh S, Egnor SR, Wallingford JB
    eLife. 2017 Feb 08;6:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19153

    Acoustic communication is fundamental to social interactions among animals, including humans. In fact, deficits in voice impair the quality of life for a large and diverse population of patients. Understanding the molecular genetic mechanisms of development and function in the vocal apparatus is thus an important challenge with relevance both to the basic biology of animal communication and to biomedicine. However, surprisingly little is known about the developmental biology of the mammalian larynx. Here, we used genetic fate mapping to chart the embryological origins of the tissues in the mouse larynx, and we describe the developmental etiology of laryngeal defects in mice with disruptions in cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling. In addition, we show that mild laryngeal defects correlate with changes in the acoustic structure of vocalizations. Together, these data provide key new insights in the molecular genetics of form and function in the mammalian vocal apparatus.

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    Svoboda Lab
    08/23/17 | Circuits in the rodent brainstem that control whisking in concert with other orofacial motor actions.
    McElvain LE, Friedman B, Karten HJ, Svoboda K, Wang F, Deschênes M, Kleinfeld D
    Neuroscience. 2017 Aug 23;368:152-70. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.08.034

    The world view of rodents is largely determined by sensation on two length scales. One is within the animal's peri-personal space. Sensorimotor control on this scale involves active movements of the nose, tongue, head, and vibrissa, along with sniffing to determine olfactory clues. The second scale involves the detection of more distant space through vision and audition; these detection processes also impact repositioning of the head, eyes, and ears. Here we focus on orofacial motor actions, primarily vibrissa-based touch but including nose twitching, head bobbing, and licking, that control sensation at short, peri-personal distances. The orofacial nuclei for control of the motor plants, as well as primary and secondary sensory nuclei associated with these motor actions, lie within the hindbrain. The current data support three themes: First, the position of the sensors is determined by the summation of two drive signals, i.e., a fast rhythmic component and an evolving orienting component. Second, the rhythmic component is coordinated across all orofacial motor actions and is phase-locked to sniffing as the animal explores. Reverse engineering reveals that the preBötzinger inspiratory complex provides the reset to the relevant premotor oscillators. Third, direct feedback from somatosensory trigeminal nuclei can rapidly alter motion of the sensors. This feedback is disynaptic and can be tuned by high-level inputs. The elucidation of synergistic coordination of orofacial motor actions to form behaviors, beyond that of a common rhythmic component, represents a work in progress that encompasses feedback through the midbrain and forebrain as well as hindbrain areas.

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    11/16/17 | Classifying Drosophila Olfactory Projection Neuron Subtypes by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing.
    Li H, Horns F, Wu B, Xie Q, Li J, Li T, Luginbuhl DJ, Quake SR, Luo L
    Cell. 11/2017;171(5):1206-1220.e22. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.10.019

    The definition of neuronal type and how it relates to the transcriptome are open questions. Drosophila olfactory projection neurons (PNs) are among the best-characterized neuronal types: different PN classes target dendrites to distinct olfactory glomeruli, while PNs of the same class exhibit indistinguishable anatomical and physiological properties. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we comprehensively characterized the transcriptomes of most PN classes and unequivocally mapped transcriptomes to specific olfactory function for six classes. Transcriptomes of closely related PN classes exhibit the largest differences during circuit assembly but become indistinguishable in adults, suggesting that neuronal subtype diversity peaks during development. Transcription factors and cell-surface molecules are the most differentially expressed genes between classes and are highly informative in encoding cell identity, enabling us to identify a new lineage-specific transcription factor that instructs PN dendrite targeting. These findings establish that neuronal transcriptomic identity corresponds with anatomical and physiological identity defined by connectivity and function.

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