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122 Results

Showing 21-30 of 122 results
Encoder Interface for Mouse Treadmill
Designed primarily for use with the rodent treadmill, the Encoder Interface provides an inexpensive and easy-to-build method to connect a quadrature encoder to serial and analog interfaces. The...
Enhanced FIB-SEM
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) is an advanced technique to make 3D images of biological cells in tissues with superior z-axis (vertical) resolution, generating easily...
Fiji Cell Counter
A structured process for the manual count of particles (e.g., cell bodies) in 2D and 3D images of any kind with a graphical mark-up in the image. For flexibility reasons, this tool was implemented...
FLInChR is an engineered variant of a light-gated opsin, Channelrhodopsin, that functions as a potent optical inhibitor of neuronal activity.  Fusion to the ‘leader’ sequence results in...
Fly Bowl
The Fly Bowl behavior quantification system We have developed a high-throughput system for quantifying the locomotion and social behavior of flies with both breadth and...
Fly Light Split-GAL4 Driver Collection
The data presented on the Split-GAL4 collection site are the work of the Janelia FlyLight Project Team, the Descending Interneuron Project Team, and the laboratories of Gerald...
Fly Song Recorder
Many animals rely on acoustic signals to communicate both social and sexual information. The Drosophila melanogaster fly has served as a powerful model system for genetic studies of...
FlyEM Connectome Project EM Neural Circuits Source Data
At Janelia, the FlyEM Project is developing technology that will enable us to create a map of every neuron and synapse in the Drosophila nervous system, using novel approaches to electron...
FlyFizz: Tools to Study Drosophila Brain Physiology
FlyFizz is an evolving webspace dedicated to enabling the exchange of information relating to one growing subfield of Drosophila brain physiology: understanding how neural circuits generate...
Four-way Olfactometer Arena for Fruit Flies
The four-way olfactometer is a structure for fly experimentation, wherein four sectors with different odors are created in a chamber, stimulating and allowing for observation of fly...