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128 Janelia Publications

Showing 61-70 of 128 results
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    02/28/24 | High-Performance Genetically Encoded Green Fluorescent Biosensors for Intracellular l-Lactate.
    Hario S, Le GN, Sugimoto H, Takahashi-Yamashiro K, Nishinami S, Toda H, Li S, Marvin JS, Kuroda S, Drobizhev M, Terai T, Nasu Y, Campbell RE
    ACS Central Science. 2024 Feb 28;10(2):402-416. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.3c01250

    l-Lactate is a monocarboxylate produced during the process of cellular glycolysis and has long generally been considered a waste product. However, studies in recent decades have provided new perspectives on the physiological roles of l-lactate as a major energy substrate and a signaling molecule. To enable further investigations of the physiological roles of l-lactate, we have developed a series of high-performance (Δ/ = 15 to 30 ), intensiometric, genetically encoded green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based intracellular l-lactate biosensors with a range of affinities. We evaluated these biosensors in cultured cells and demonstrated their application in an preparation of brain tissue. Using these biosensors, we were able to detect glycolytic oscillations, which we analyzed and mathematically modeled.

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    04/17/24 | Hippocampal cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons regulate temporal coding and contextual learning
    Rangel Guerrero DK, Balueva K, Barayeu U, Baracskay P, Gridchyn I, Nardin M, Roth CN, Wulff P, Csicsvari J
    Neuron. 2024 Apr 17:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.03.019

    Cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons (CCKIs) are hypothesized to shape pyramidal cell-firing patterns and regulate network oscillations and related network state transitions. To directly probe their role in the CA1 region, we silenced their activity using optogenetic and chemogenetic tools in mice. Opto-tagged CCKIs revealed a heterogeneous population, and their optogenetic silencing triggered wide disinhibitory network changes affecting both pyramidal cells and other interneurons. CCKI silencing enhanced pyramidal cell burst firing and altered the temporal coding of place cells: theta phase precession was disrupted, whereas sequence reactivation was enhanced. Chemogenetic CCKI silencing did not alter the acquisition of spatial reference memories on the Morris water maze but enhanced the recall of contextual fear memories and enabled selective recall when similar environments were tested. This work suggests the key involvement of CCKIs in the control of place-cell temporal coding and the formation of contextual memories.

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    01/05/24 | Homeodomain proteins hierarchically specify neuronal diversity and synaptic connectivity
    Chundi Xu , Tyler B. Ramos , Ed M. Rogers , Michael B. Reiser , Chris Q. Doe
    eLife. 2024 Jan 05:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.90133

    The brain generates diverse neuron types which express unique homeodomain transcription factors (TFs) and assemble into precise neural circuits. Yet a mechanistic framework is lacking for how homeodomain TFs specify both neuronal fate and synaptic connectivity. We use Drosophila lamina neurons (L1-L5) to show the homeodomain TF Brain-specific homeobox (Bsh) is initiated in lamina precursor cells (LPCs) where it specifies L4/L5 fate and suppresses homeodomain TF Zfh1 to prevent L1/L3 fate. Subsequently, Bsh activates the homeodomain TF Apterous (Ap) in L4 in a feedforward loop to express the synapse recognition molecule DIP-β, in part by Bsh direct binding a DIP-β intron. Thus, homeodomain TFs function hierarchically: primary homeodomain TF (Bsh) first specifies neuronal fate, and subsequently acts with secondary homeodomain TF (Ap) to activate DIP-β, thereby generating precise synaptic connectivity. We speculate that hierarchical homeodomain TF function may represent a general principle for coordinating neuronal fate specification and circuit assembly.

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    05/04/24 | Host ZCCHC3 blocks HIV-1 infection and production by a dual mechanism
    Binbin Yi , Yuri L Tanaka , Hidetaka Kosako , Erika P Butlertanaka , Prabuddha Sengupta , Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz , Akatsuki Saito , Shige H. Yoshimura
    iScience. 05/2024:. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.14.544911

    Most mammalian cells prevent viral infection and proliferation by expressing various restriction factors and sensors that activate the immune system. While anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) host restriction factors have been identified, most of them are antagonized by viral proteins. This has severely hindered their development in anti-HIV-1 therapy. Here, we describe CCHC-type zinc-finger-containing protein 3 (ZCCHC3) as a novel anti-HIV-1 factor that is not antagonized by viral proteins. ZCCHC3 suppresses production of HIV-1 and other retroviruses. We show that ZCCHC3 acts by binding to Gag nucleocapsid protein via zinc-finger motifs. This prevents interaction between the Gag nucleocapsid protein and viral genome and results in production of genome-deficient virions. ZCCHC3 also binds to the long terminal repeat on the viral genome via the middle-folded domain, sequestering the viral genome to P-bodies, which leads to decreased viral replication and production. Such a dual antiviral mechanism is distinct from that of any other known host restriction factors. Therefore, ZCCHC3 is a novel potential target in anti-HIV-1 therapy.

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    02/20/24 | How microscopic epistasis and clonal interference shape the fitness trajectory in a spin glass model of microbial long-term evolution
    Nicholas M. Boffi , Yipei Guo , Chris H. Rycroft , Ariel Amir
    eLife. 2024 Feb 20:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.87895

    The adaptive dynamics of evolving microbial populations takes place on a complex fitness landscape generated by epistatic interactions. The population generically consists of multiple competing strains, a phenomenon known as clonal interference. Microscopic epistasis and clonal interference are central aspects of evolution in microbes, but their combined effects on the functional form of the population’s mean fitness are poorly understood. Here, we develop a computational method that resolves the full microscopic complexity of an evolving population subject to a standard serial dilution protocol. We find that stronger microscopic epistasis gives rise to fitness trajectories with slower growth independent of the number of competing strains, which we quantify with power-law fits and understand mechanistically via a random walk model that neglects dynamical correlations between genes. We show that clonal interference leads to fitness trajectories with faster growth (in functional form) without microscopic epistasis, but has a negligible effect when epistasis is sufficiently strong, indicating that the role of clonal interference depends intimately on the underlying fitness landscape.

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    03/29/24 | How short peptides can disassemble ultra-stable tau fibrils extracted from Alzheimer’s disease brain by a strain-relief mechanism
    Ke Hou , Peng Ge , Michael R. Sawaya , Joshua L. Dolinsky , Yuan Yang , Yi Xiao Jiang , Liisa Lutter , David R. Boyer , Xinyi Cheng , Justin Pi , Jeffrey Zhang , Jiahui Lu , Shixin Yang , Zhiheng Yu , Juli Feigon , David S. Eisenberg
    bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 29:. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.25.586668

    Reducing fibrous aggregates of protein tau is a possible strategy for halting progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Previously we found that in vitro the D-peptide D-TLKIVWC disassembles tau fibrils from AD brains (AD-tau) into benign segments with no energy source present beyond ambient thermal agitation. This disassembly by a short peptide was unexpected, given that AD-tau is sufficiently stable to withstand disassembly in boiling SDS detergent. To consider D peptide-mediated disassembly as a potential therapeutic for AD, it is essential to understand the mechanism and energy source of the disassembly action. We find assembly of D-peptides into amyloid-like fibrils is essential for tau fibril disassembly. Cryo-EM and atomic force microscopy reveal that these D-peptide fibrils have a right-handed twist and embrace tau fibrils which have a left-handed twist. In binding to the AD-tau fibril, the oppositely twisted D-peptide fibril produces a strain, which is relieved by disassembly of both fibrils. This strain-relief mechanism appears to operate in other examples of amyloid fibril disassembly and provides a new direction for the development of first-in-class therapeutics for amyloid diseases.

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    05/16/24 | Hue selectivity from recurrent circuitry in Drosophila
    Christenson MP, Sanz Diez A, Heath SL, Saavedra-Weisenhaus M, Adachi A, Nern A, Abbott LF, Behnia R
    Nat Neurosci. 2024 May 16:. doi: 10.1038/s41593-024-01640-4

    In the perception of color, wavelengths of light reflected off objects are transformed into the derived quantities of brightness, saturation and hue. Neurons responding selectively to hue have been reported in primate cortex, but it is unknown how their narrow tuning in color space is produced by upstream circuit mechanisms. We report the discovery of neurons in the Drosophila optic lobe with hue-selective properties, which enables circuit-level analysis of color processing. From our analysis of an electron microscopy volume of a whole Drosophila brain, we construct a connectomics-constrained circuit model that accounts for this hue selectivity. Our model predicts that recurrent connections in the circuit are critical for generating hue selectivity. Experiments using genetic manipulations to perturb recurrence in adult flies confirm this prediction. Our findings reveal a circuit basis for hue selectivity in color vision.

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    05/21/24 | iATPSnFR2: a high dynamic range fluorescent sensor for monitoring intracellular ATP
    Jonathan S. Marvin , Alexandros C. Kokotos , Mukesh Kumar , Camila Pulido , Ariana N. Tkachuk , Jocelyn Shuxin Yao , Timothy A. Brown , Timothy A. Ryan
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 May 21:. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2314604121

    We developed a significantly improved genetically encoded quantitative adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sensor to provide real-time dynamics of ATP levels in subcellular compartments. iATPSnFR2 is a variant of iATPSnFR1, a previously developed sensor that has circularly permuted super-folder GFP inserted between the ATP-binding helices of the ε-subunit of a bacterial F0-F1 ATPase. Optimizing the linkers joining the two domains resulted in a ∼ 5-6 fold improvement in the dynamic range compared to the previous generation sensor, with excellent discrimination against other analytes and affinity variants varying from 4 μM to 500 μM. A chimeric version of this sensor fused to either the HaloTag protein or a suitably spectrally separated fluorescent protein, provides a ratiometric readout allowing comparisons of ATP across cellular regions. Subcellular targeting of the sensor to nerve terminals reveals previously uncharacterized single synapse metabolic signatures, while targeting to the mitochondrial matrix allowed direct quantitative probing of oxidative phosphorylation dynamics.

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    01/01/24 | Image processing tools for petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data.
    Xiongtao Ruan , Matthew Mueller , Gaoxiang Liu , Frederik Görlitz , Tian-Ming Fu , Daniel E. Milkie , Joshua Lillvis , Alison Killilea , Eric Betzig , Srigokul Upadhyayula
    bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 01:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.31.573734

    Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique for visualizing dynamic biological processes in 3D. Studying large specimens or recording time series with high spatial and temporal resolution generates large datasets, often exceeding terabytes and potentially reaching petabytes in size. Handling these massive datasets is challenging for conventional data processing tools with their memory and performance limitations. To overcome these issues, we developed LLSM5DTools, a software solution specifically designed for the efficient management of petabyte-scale light sheet microscopy data. This toolkit, optimized for memory and per-formance, features fast image readers and writers, efficient geometric transformations, high-performance Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, and scalable Zarr-based stitching. These advancements enable LLSM5DTools to perform over ten times faster than current state-of-the-art methods, facilitating real-time processing of large datasets and opening new avenues for biological discoveries in large-scale imaging experiments.

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    05/10/24 | Imaging the extracellular matrix in live tissues and organisms with a glycan-binding fluorophore
    Fiore A, Yu G, Northey JJ, Patel R, Ravenscroft TA, Ikegami R, Kolkman W, Kumar P, Grimm JB, Dilan TL, Ruetten VM, Ahrens MB, Shroff H, Lavis LD, Wang S, Weaver VM, Pedram K
    bioRxiv. 2024 May 10:. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.09.593460

    All multicellular systems produce and dynamically regulate extracellular matrices (ECM) that play important roles in both biochemical and mechanical signaling. Though the spatial arrangement of these extracellular assemblies is critical to their biological functions, visualization of ECM structure is challenging, in part because the biomolecules that compose the ECM are difficult to fluorescently label individually and collectively. Here, we present a cell-impermeable small molecule fluorophore, termed Rhobo6, that turns on and red shifts upon reversible binding to glycans. Given that most ECM components are densely glycosylated, the dye enables wash-free visualization of ECM, in systems ranging from in vitro substrates to in vivo mouse mammary tumors. Relative to existing techniques, Rhobo6 provides a broad substrate profile, superior tissue penetration, nonperturbative labeling, and negligible photobleaching. This work establishes a straightforward method for imaging the distribution of ECM in live tissues and organisms, lowering barriers for investigation of extracellular biology.

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