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5 Janelia Publications

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    07/21/14 | Abdominal-B neurons control Drosophila virgin female receptivity.
    Bussell JJ, Yapici N, Zhang SX, Dickson BJ, Vosshall LB
    Current Biology. 2014 Jul 21;24(14):1584-95. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.06.011

    BACKGROUND: Female sexual receptivity offers an excellent model for complex behavioral decisions. The female must parse her own reproductive state, the external environment, and male sensory cues to decide whether to copulate. In the fly Drosophila melanogaster, virgin female receptivity has received relatively little attention, and its neural circuitry and individual behavioral components remain unmapped. Using a genome-wide neuronal RNAi screen, we identify a subpopulation of neurons responsible for pausing, a novel behavioral aspect of virgin female receptivity characterized in this study.

    RESULTS: We show that Abdominal-B (Abd-B), a homeobox transcription factor, is required in developing neurons for high levels of virgin female receptivity. Silencing adult Abd-B neurons significantly decreased receptivity. We characterize two components of receptivity that are elicited in sexually mature females by male courtship: pausing and vaginal plate opening. Silencing Abd-B neurons decreased pausing but did not affect vaginal plate opening, demonstrating that these two components of female sexual behavior are functionally separable. Synthetic activation of Abd-B neurons increased pausing, but male courtship song alone was not sufficient to elicit this behavior.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide an entry point to the neural circuit controlling virgin female receptivity. The female integrates multiple sensory cues from the male to execute discrete motor programs prior to copulation. Abd-B neurons control pausing, a key aspect of female sexual receptivity, in response to male courtship.

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    07/02/14 | Ascending SAG neurons control sexual receptivity of Drosophila females.
    Feng K, Palfreyman MT, Häsemeyer M, Talsma A, Dickson BJ
    Neuron. 2014 Jul 2;83(1):135-48. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.05.017

    Mating induces pronounced changes in female reproductive behavior, typically including a dramatic reduction in sexual receptivity. In Drosophila, postmating behavioral changes are triggered by sex peptide (SP), a male seminal fluid peptide that acts via a receptor (SPR) expressed in sensory neurons (SPSNs) of the female reproductive tract. Here, we identify second-order neurons that mediate the behavioral changes induced by SP. These SAG neurons receive synaptic input from SPSNs in the abdominal ganglion and project to the dorsal protocerebrum. Silencing SAG neurons renders virgin females unreceptive, whereas activating them increases the receptivity of females that have already mated. Physiological experiments demonstrate that SP downregulates the excitability of the SPSNs, and hence their input onto SAG neurons. These data thus provide a physiological correlate of mating status in the female central nervous system and a key entry point into the brain circuits that control sexual receptivity.

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    02/03/14 | Cellular and behavioral functions of fruitless isoforms in Drosophila courtship.
    von Philipsborn AC, Jörchel S, Tirian L, Demir E, Morita T, Stern DL, Dickson BJ
    Current Biology . 2014 Feb 3;24:242-51. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.12.015

    BACKGROUND: Male-specific products of the fruitless (fru) gene control the development and function of neuronal circuits that underlie male-specific behaviors in Drosophila, including courtship. Alternative splicing generates at least three distinct Fru isoforms, each containing a different zinc-finger domain. Here, we examine the expression and function of each of these isoforms. RESULTS: We show that most fru(+) cells express all three isoforms, yet each isoform has a distinct function in the elaboration of sexually dimorphic circuitry and behavior. The strongest impairment in courtship behavior is observed in fru(C) mutants, which fail to copulate, lack sine song, and do not generate courtship song in the absence of visual stimuli. Cellular dimorphisms in the fru circuit are dependent on Fru(C) rather than other single Fru isoforms. Removal of Fru(C) from the neuronal classes vAB3 or aSP4 leads to cell-autonomous feminization of arborizations and loss of courtship in the dark. CONCLUSIONS: These data map specific aspects of courtship behavior to the level of single fru isoforms and fru(+) cell types-an important step toward elucidating the chain of causality from gene to circuit to behavior.

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    07/11/14 | FlyMAD: rapid thermogenetic control of neuronal activity in freely walking Drosophila.
    Bath DE, Stowers JR, Hörmann D, Poehlmann A, Dickson BJ, Straw AD
    Nature Methods. 2014 Jul 11;11(7):756-62. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2973

    Rapidly and selectively modulating the activity of defined neurons in unrestrained animals is a powerful approach in investigating the circuit mechanisms that shape behavior. In Drosophila melanogaster, temperature-sensitive silencers and activators are widely used to control the activities of genetically defined neuronal cell types. A limitation of these thermogenetic approaches, however, has been their poor temporal resolution. Here we introduce FlyMAD (the fly mind-altering device), which allows thermogenetic silencing or activation within seconds or even fractions of a second. Using computer vision, FlyMAD targets an infrared laser to freely walking flies. As a proof of principle, we demonstrated the rapid silencing and activation of neurons involved in locomotion, vision and courtship. The spatial resolution of the focused beam enabled preferential targeting of neurons in the brain or ventral nerve cord. Moreover, the high temporal resolution of FlyMAD allowed us to discover distinct timing relationships for two neuronal cell types previously linked to courtship song.

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    05/27/14 | Reconciling the deep homology of neuromodulation with the evolution of behavior.
    Katz PS, Lillvis JL
    Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2014 May 27;29C:39-47. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.05.002

    The evolution of behavior seems inconsistent with the deep homology of neuromodulatory signaling. G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) evolved slowly from a common ancestor through a process involving gene duplication, neofunctionalization, and loss. Neuropeptides co-evolved with their receptors and exhibit many conserved functions. Furthermore, brain areas are highly conserved with suggestions of deep anatomical homology between arthropods and vertebrates. Yet, behavior evolved more rapidly; even members of the same genus or species can differ in heritable behavior. The solution to the paradox involves changes in the compartmentalization, or subfunctionalization, of neuromodulation; neurons shift their expression of GPCRs and the content of monoamines and neuropeptides. Furthermore, parallel evolution of neuromodulatory signaling systems suggests a route for repeated evolution of similar behaviors.

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