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123 Janelia Publications

Showing 51-60 of 123 results
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    08/09/17 | General synthetic method for Si-Fluoresceins and Si-Rhodamines.
    Grimm JB, Brown TA, Tkachuk AN, Lavis LD
    ACS Central Science. 2017 Aug 09;3(9):975-85. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.7b00247

    The century-old fluoresceins and rhodamines persist as flexible scaffolds for fluorescent and fluorogenic compounds. Extensive exploration of these xanthene dyes has yielded general structure–activity relationships where the development of new probes is limited only by imagination and organic chemistry. In particular, replacement of the xanthene oxygen with silicon has resulted in new red-shifted Si-fluoresceins and Si-rhodamines, whose high brightness and photostability enable advanced imaging experiments. Nevertheless, efforts to tune the chemical and spectral properties of these dyes have been hindered by difficult synthetic routes. Here, we report a general strategy for the efficient preparation of Si-fluoresceins and Si-rhodamines from readily synthesized bis(2-bromophenyl)silane intermediates. These dibromides undergo metal/bromide exchange to give bis-aryllithium or bis(aryl Grignard) intermediates, which can then add to anhydride or ester electrophiles to afford a variety of Si-xanthenes. This strategy enabled efficient (3–5 step) syntheses of known and novel Si-fluoresceins, Si-rhodamines, and related dye structures. In particular, we discovered that previously inaccessible tetrafluorination of the bottom aryl ring of the Si-rhodamines resulted in dyes with improved visible absorbance in solution, and a convenient derivatization through fluoride-thiol substitution. This modular, divergent synthetic method will expand the palette of accessible xanthenoid dyes across the visible spectrum, thereby pushing further the frontiers of biological imaging.

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    Lavis LabSinger Lab
    09/13/16 | Glutamate-induced RNA localization and translation in neurons.
    Yoon YJ, Wu B, Buxbaum AR, Das S, Tsai A, English BP, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Singer RH
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Sep 13:. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1614267113

    Localization of mRNA is required for protein synthesis to occur within discrete intracellular compartments. Neurons represent an ideal system for studying the precision of mRNA trafficking because of their polarized structure and the need for synapse-specific targeting. To investigate this targeting, we derived a quantitative and analytical approach. Dendritic spines were stimulated by glutamate uncaging at a diffraction-limited spot, and the localization of single β-actin mRNAs was measured in space and time. Localization required NMDA receptor activity, a dynamic actin cytoskeleton, and the transacting RNA-binding protein, Zipcode-binding protein 1 (ZBP1). The ability of the mRNA to direct newly synthesized proteins to the site of localization was evaluated using a Halo-actin reporter so that RNA and protein were detected simultaneously. Newly synthesized Halo-actin was enriched at the site of stimulation, required NMDA receptor activity, and localized preferentially at the periphery of spines. This work demonstrates that synaptic activity can induce mRNA localization and local translation of β-actin where the new actin participates in stabilizing the expanding synapse in dendritic spines.

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    03/07/16 | High-density three-dimensional localization microscopy across large volumes.
    Legant WR, Shao L, Grimm JB, Brown TA, Milkie DE, Avants BB, Lavis LD, Betzig E
    Nature Methods. 2016 Mar 7:. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3797

    Extending three-dimensional (3D) single-molecule localization microscopy away from the coverslip and into thicker specimens will greatly broaden its biological utility. However, because of the limitations of both conventional imaging modalities and conventional labeling techniques, it is a challenge to localize molecules in three dimensions with high precision in such samples while simultaneously achieving the labeling densities required for high resolution of densely crowded structures. Here we combined lattice light-sheet microscopy with newly developed, freely diffusing, cell-permeable chemical probes with targeted affinity for DNA, intracellular membranes or the plasma membrane. We used this combination to perform high-localization precision, ultrahigh-labeling density, multicolor localization microscopy in samples up to 20 μm thick, including dividing cells and the neuromast organ of a zebrafish embryo. We also demonstrate super-resolution correlative imaging with protein-specific photoactivable fluorophores, providing a mutually compatible, single-platform alternative to correlative light-electron microscopy over large volumes.

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    02/01/11 | Histochemistry: live and in color.
    Lavis LD
    The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry: Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society. 2011 Feb;59:139-45. doi: 10.1369/0022155410395760

    Histochemistry (chemistry in the context of biological tissue) is an invaluable set of techniques used to visualize biological structures. This field lies at the interface of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. Integration of these disciplines over the past century has permitted the imaging of cells and tissues using microscopy. Today, by exploiting the unique chemical environments within cells, heterologous expression techniques, and enzymatic activity, histochemical methods can be used to visualize structures in living matter. This review focuses on the labeling techniques and organic fluorophores used in live cells.

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    06/21/18 | Imaging dynamic and selective low-complexity domain interactions that control gene transcription.
    Chong S, Dugast-Darzacq C, Liu Z, Dong P, Dailey GM, Cattoglio C, Heckert A, Banala S, Lavis L, Darzacq X, Tjian R
    Science (New York, N.Y.). 2018 Jun 21;361(6400):eaar2555. doi: 10.1126/science.aar2555

    Many eukaryotic transcription factors (TFs) contain intrinsically disordered low-complexity domains (LCDs), but how they drive transactivation remains unclear. Here, live-cell single-molecule imaging reveals that TF-LCDs form local high-concentration interaction hubs at synthetic and endogenous genomic loci. TF-LCD hubs stabilize DNA binding, recruit RNA polymerase II (Pol II), and activate transcription. LCD-LCD interactions within hubs are highly dynamic, display selectivity with binding partners, and are differentially sensitive to disruption by hexanediols. Under physiological conditions, rapid and reversible LCD-LCD interactions occur between TFs and the Pol II machinery without detectable phase separation. Our findings reveal fundamental mechanisms underpinning transcriptional control and suggest a framework for developing single-molecule imaging screens for novel drugs targeting gene regulatory interactions implicated in disease.

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    05/21/15 | Imaging live-cell dynamics and structure at the single-molecule level.
    Liu Z, Lavis LD, Betzig E
    Molecular Cell. 2015 May 21;58(4):644-59. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.02.033

    Observation of molecular processes inside living cells is fundamental to a quantitative understanding of how biological systems function. Specifically, decoding the complex behavior of single molecules enables us to measure kinetics, transport, and self-assembly at this fundamental level that is often veiled in ensemble experiments. In the past decade, rapid developments in fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and fluorescent labeling techniques have enabled new experiments to investigate the robustness and stochasticity of diverse molecular mechanisms with high spatiotemporal resolution. This review discusses the concepts and strategies of structural and functional imaging in living cells at the single-molecule level with minimal perturbations to the specimen.

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    12/05/23 | Imaging neuronal voltage beyond the scattering limit
    Tsai-Wen Chen , Xian-Bin Huang , Sarah E. Plutkis , Katie L. Holland , Luke D. Lavis , Bei-Jung Lin
    bioRxiv. 2023 Dec 05:. doi: 10.1101/2023.12.03.568403

    Voltage imaging is a promising technique for high-speed recording of neuronal population activity. However, tissue scattering severely limits its application in dense neuronal populations. Here, we adopted the principle of localization microscopy, a technique that enables super-resolution imaging of single-molecules, to resolve dense neuronal activities in vivo. Leveraging the sparse activation of neurons during action potentials (APs), we precisely localize the fluorescence change associated with each AP, creating a super-resolution image of neuronal activities. This approach, termed Activity Localization Imaging (ALI), identifies overlapping neurons and separates their activities with over 10-fold greater precision than what tissue scattering permits. Using ALI, we simultaneously recorded over a hundred densely-labeled CA1 neurons, creating a map of hippocampal theta oscillation at single-cell and single-cycle resolution.

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    05/10/24 | Imaging the extracellular matrix in live tissues and organisms with a glycan-binding fluorophore
    Fiore A, Yu G, Northey JJ, Patel R, Ravenscroft TA, Ikegami R, Kolkman W, Kumar P, Grimm JB, Dilan TL, Ruetten VM, Ahrens MB, Shroff H, Lavis LD, Wang S, Weaver VM, Pedram K
    bioRxiv. 2024 May 10:. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.09.593460

    All multicellular systems produce and dynamically regulate extracellular matrices (ECM) that play important roles in both biochemical and mechanical signaling. Though the spatial arrangement of these extracellular assemblies is critical to their biological functions, visualization of ECM structure is challenging, in part because the biomolecules that compose the ECM are difficult to fluorescently label individually and collectively. Here, we present a cell-impermeable small molecule fluorophore, termed Rhobo6, that turns on and red shifts upon reversible binding to glycans. Given that most ECM components are densely glycosylated, the dye enables wash-free visualization of ECM, in systems ranging from in vitro substrates to in vivo mouse mammary tumors. Relative to existing techniques, Rhobo6 provides a broad substrate profile, superior tissue penetration, nonperturbative labeling, and negligible photobleaching. This work establishes a straightforward method for imaging the distribution of ECM in live tissues and organisms, lowering barriers for investigation of extracellular biology.

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    01/14/20 | Improved HaloTag Ligand Enables BRET Imaging With NanoLuc
    Thirukkumaran OM, Wang C, Asouzu NJ, Fron E, Rocha S, Hofkens J, Lavis LD, Mizuno H
    Frontiers in Chemistry. 2020 Jan 14;7:. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2019.0093810.3389/fchem.2019.00938.s001
    Looger LabLavis Lab
    07/29/14 | Integrated action of pheromone signals in promoting courtship behavior in male mice.
    Haga-Yamanaka S, Ma L, He J, Qiu Q, Lavis LD, Looger LL, Yu CR
    eLife. 2014 Jul 29;3:e03025. doi: 10.7554/eLife.03025

    The mammalian vomeronasal organ encodes pheromone information about gender, reproductive status, genetic background and individual differences. It remains unknown how pheromone information interacts to trigger innate behaviors. In this study, we identify vomeronasal receptors responsible for detecting female pheromones. A sub-group of V1re clade members recognizes gender-identifying cues in female urine. Multiple members of the V1rj clade are cognate receptors for urinary estrus signals, as well as for sulfated estrogen (SE) compounds. In both cases, the same cue activates multiple homologous receptors, suggesting redundancy in encoding female pheromone cues. Neither gender-specific cues nor SEs alone are sufficient to promote courtship behavior in male mice, whereas robust courtship behavior can be induced when the two cues are applied together. Thus, integrated action of different female cues is required in pheromone-triggered mating behavior. These results suggest a gating mechanism in the vomeronasal circuit in promoting specific innate behavior.DOI:

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