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11 Results

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    2 Photon Random Access Mesoscope
    Researchers at HHMI Janelia Research Campus have designed and built a 2-photon random access mesoscope (2P-RAM) that provides rapid imaging anywhere within a large tissue volume. ...
    Enhanced FIB-SEM
    Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) is an advanced technique to make 3D images of biological cells in tissues with superior z-axis (vertical) resolution, generating easily...
    Although multiple electron microscopic techniques can achieve ~10 nm isotropic resolution, none are well-suited to image volumes at or above 1 mm3. Structural imaging at this scale opens new...
    Immersion Reflection Microscope Objective
    The standard reflection objective is designed to work in air with reasonably high resolution. It is a lightweight, simple structure (only one or two mirrors are needed) with little chromatic...
    Kilohertz frame-rate tomographic 2-photon microscope
    This microscope images megapixel fields of view at over 1000 Hz within scattering tissue by scanning excitation lines at multiple angles and recovering images computationally. It can image large...
    Lattice Light Microscopy
    The Lattice Light involves using a Bessel beam to illuminate a sample with light sheets that are sufficiently thin to achieve isotropic 3D resolution high-speed 3D fluorescent imaging. As a result...
    MIMMS 1.0 (2016)
    MIMMS (Modular In vivo Multiphoton Microscopy System) is a modular platform for performing two‐photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) optimized for in vivo applications. The system generally...
    MIMMS 2.2 (2024)
    MIMMS (Modular In vivo Multiphoton Microscopy System) is a modular platform for performing two‐photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) optimized for in vivo applications. The system generally...
    Multi-Color Three Dimensional Imaging Using Multifocus Microscopy
    This technology advances imaging techniques of biomicroscopy using an innovative type of a wide-field Multi-Focus microscope to enable fast, high-resolution 3D imaging. Today, many three-...
    PMT Controller and Power Supply
    The Janelia PMT Controller is an updated design for use in high-performance microscopy systems. It was designed and built to meet the needs of the new large field of view 2 photon random...