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Reconstruction of 1,000 projection neurons reveals new cell types and organization of long-range connectivity in the mouse brain.

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Cell. 2019 Sep 19;179(1):268-81. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.07.042
Reconstruction of 1,000 projection neurons reveals new cell types and organization of long-range connectivity in the mouse brain. Dudman LabSternson LabSpruston LabSvoboda LabMouseLight
Winnubst J, Bas E, Ferreira TA, Wu Z, Economo MN, Edson P, Arthur BJ, Bruns C, Rokicki K, Schauder D, Olbris DJ, Murphy SD, Ackerman DG, Arshadi C, Baldwin P, Blake R, Elsayed A, Hasan M, Ramirez D, Santos B, Weldon M, Zafar A, Dudman JT, Gerfen CR, Hantman AW, Korff W, Sternson SM, Spruston N, Svoboda K, Chandrashekar J