Composition, Communication and Function of the Tumor Microenvironment
Organized by Mikala Egeblad (CSHL), Ron Vale (HHMI-Janelia) and Harold Varmus (Weill Cornell), this is the third in a series of planning workshops that will serve an important role in shaping a 15-lab, 15-year research program at Janelia Research Campus called “4D Cellular Physiology”.
4D Cellular Physiology aims to understand the function, structure and communication mechanisms of cells within and across organ systems. We hope to stimulate this emerging field by taking mechanistic cell biological approaches to important physiological questions about development, normal homeostatic function, and disease in the context of organs and tissues. Janelia is particularly strong in high-resolution light and electron microscopy approaches that probe the structure, biochemistry, and dynamic behavior of single cells in 3D tissue environments; efforts that are aided by computer scientists and theorists who help to analyze and interpret such data.
The tumor microenvironment (TME) is an excellent topic for a 4D Cellular Physiology workshop, as tumors consist of a complex, heterogeneous ecosystem of cells, the collective behavior of which influences tumor progression, spread, and response to therapeutic intervention. This meeting will focus on the most pressing questions, outstanding problems and innovative approaches to understanding the mechanisms of communication, adaptations in biochemistry, and biophysical properties of the many cell types and extracellular components that comprise the TME. We welcome everyone to help us explore the big unknown questions related to the cell biology of tumors and to identify barriers, both conceptual and technical, that must be overcome to answer those questions.
This workshop will serve an important role in shaping Janelia’s ongoing research program, providing critical background for a new approach to collaboratively tackle some of the most important problems in modern biomedical research. The virtual format will include roughly 5 hours of short talks and discussions each day.
Early career researchers, including graduate students and postdocs, are invited to submit an abstract for consideration for a 10-minute talk focused on your work related to the tumor microenvironment, any challenges you face, and how the development of new tools and approaches could drive your research forward.
Applications are closed for this workshop.
Mikala Egeblad, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Ron Vale, HHMI/Janelia Research Campus
Harold Varmus, Weill Cornell
Michelle Baird, NHLBI-NIH
Adrienne, Boire, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Donita Brady, University of Pennsylvania
Kate Carbone, Genentech
Ana Luisa, Correia, University of Basel
Sarah Crist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Peter de Keizer, UMC Utrecht
Mikala Egeblad, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Andrew Ewald, Johns Hopkins University
Ron Germain, NIH/NIAID
Gregory Hannon, University of Cambridge
Serena Lucotti, Weill Cornell Medicine
Oscar Maiques, Barts Cancer Institute
Ilaria Malanchi, Francis Crick Institute
Joan Massagué, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Michelle Monje, Stanford University
Bryan Ngo, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Kornelia Polyak, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
Daniela Quail, McGill University
Erik Sahai, Francis Crick Institute
Shu-Hsien Sheu, Janelia Reseacrh Campus/HHMI
Dorothy Sipkins, Duke University Medical Center
Peter Sorger, Harvard University
Bernardo Tavora, Rockefeller University
Shannon Turley, Genentech
Manuel Valiente, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)
Matthew Vander Heiden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Varun Venkataramani, German Cancer Research Center/University Hospital Heidelberg
Valerie Weaver, University of California, San Francisco
Eileen White, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Discussion Leaders
Adrienne Boire, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Ron Germain, NIH/NIAID
Shu-Hsien Sheu, Janelia Research Campus
Valerie Weaver, University of California, San Francisco
Eileen White, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Webinar Recording
Watch the recording of this webinar on our YouTube channel!