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122 Results

Showing 31-40 of 122 results
GAL4 Fly Lines
In January 2011, the Rubin lab began depositing our collection of GAL4 driver lines in the Bloomington Stock Center at the rate of approximately 100 lines a week, and all lines were available...
Powerful Software Tools for Nanometer-Resolution EM Neuro-image Large Stacks' Segmentation Image segmentation, a fundamental problem in computer vision, concerns the division of...
Galvo Driver
The galvo driver was designed to work with microscopes under development at HHMI Janelia Research Campus. A rack-mount enclosure and self-contained power supply are designed to accommodate one...
Although multiple electron microscopic techniques can achieve ~10 nm isotropic resolution, none are well-suited to image volumes at or above 1 mm3. Structural imaging at this scale opens new...
Glucose Sensor
Inventors at Howard Hughes Medical Center's Janelia Research Campus have developed a strategy for creating genetically encoded, intensity-based fluorescent sensors and an associated unique set of...
GRIN Lens Holder
A GRIN lens is a small rod-shaped lens that behaves like a standard lens but has a width of less than 1mm, so it can be inserted into the brain. (1) Implanted gradient index (grin) lenses...
Head Plate for Mouse Imaging
Researchers at Janelia have designed an improved head plate for live imaging of a mouse using a downward-facing objective. It is specially designed to work with the 2P-RAM (2-photon random access...
Hemidriver Drosophila Lines ("Split-halves")
The ability to reproducibly target the expression of transgenes to small, defined subsets of cells is a key experimental tool for understanding many biological processes. Unfortunately, the...
High-throughput multiview image registration for SiMView microscopy
High-throughput multiview image registration for SiMView microscopy This archive contains our custom software tools for registration and fusion of simultaneous multi-view (SiMView)...
Hippocampus RNA-seq atlas
At the Hippocampus RNA-seq atlas site, you can interactively analyze and visualize RNA-seq data for all excitatory cell populations in the hippocampus at multiple levels of granularity....